Cabinet is strongly committed to Agroprogram earthquake area | News item

News item | 12-06-2023 | 2:00 PM

The agricultural sector, the earthquake municipalities, the province of Groningen and the national government have today confirmed the agreements made earlier about the partnership with the signing of the Agro Covenant. State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief (Mining) also reported that the central government budget for the Agro program increased from €19 to €240 million. This is one of the measures in the government’s response to the report of the parliamentary committee of inquiry. On behalf of the government, Minister Piet Adema of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and State Secretary Vijlbrief signed the agro covenant together.

By substantially expanding the program, more clout is created and more affected farmers in the earthquake area can benefit from the program. There will also be a task force of experts, with powers and budget, that can quickly work out results for the complex problem. The details of this task force will be further developed with all parties involved in the Agro covenant.

The Agro program started in February 2021 but needs more clout. The 11 previously started pilots that, if completed properly, should give the go-ahead for the opening of a broader tailor-made scheme that runs through the Agro Programme. The measures stem from agreements between the agricultural sector, the earthquake municipalities, the province of Groningen and the national government. Today, these parties have confirmed the agreements at an agricultural company in Middelstum.

Strengthening the Agro program should offer a solution

This support is necessary because many farmers still experience the negative consequences of gas extraction on their farms on a daily basis: due to all the uncertainty surrounding the damage repair and reinforcement process, the further development of their business operations has come to a standstill. The reinforced Agro program can offer a solution for this. In doing so, the program team maintains close contact with IMG (responsible for damage repair) and NCG (responsible for reinforcement).

The resources made available through the Agro Program are in addition to the regular budgets for damage repair and reinforcement that are available through IMG and NCG. In addition, for the most harrowing cases and stalled procedures, customization remains available via the Special Situations Committee and the Stuck Situations Intervention Team.
