News item | 06-07-2023 | 5:48 pm
In the coming years, the government will allocate € 312 million to encourage corporations and care providers to build 20,000 affordable homes suitable for care in social housing. Minister Helder (Long-term Care and Sport) has introduced the subsidy scheme suitable for care homes for this purpose today internet consultation brought.
The homes suitable for care are intended for people who need intensive care (Wlz indication) and in the current situation often go to a nursing home.
Until 2030, the objective is to build 290,000 homes for the elderly: 170,000 zero-step homes, 80,000 regular clustered homes and 40,000 clustered nursing care places. 20,000 of those clustered nursing care places are affordable homes that fall within the social rent. The subsidy scheme is intended to contribute to the construction costs of these care-fit homes. Care-appropriate homes require more investment compared to regular homes. For example, in a meeting room, more spacious rooms and wider corridors and doors, so that care providers have sufficient space to also provide care in the bathroom and bedroom.
Minister Conny Helder: “The elderly would like to remain independent for as long as possible and retain control over their own lives, even if they need more care and support at a certain point. Decide for yourself what time you eat and your own things and family and friends around you. The care and support, but also the place where you live must be designed for this. With this scheme, we are providing an extra incentive to corporations and healthcare organizations to build homes suitable for care for people with a smaller wallet.”
Transformation and new construction
Housing associations and healthcare providers can apply for the subsidy scheme for both new construction and the transformation of existing buildings. Transformation of buildings enables parties to create homes suitable for care with a relatively shorter lead time.
Several types of housing are possible: housing types where the residents all have a Wlz indication, housing types where a wing or part of the homes is suitable/intended for people with a heavier care demand, and a housing type where every home is suitable for care and where part of the residents have a Wlz indication. It is expected that people with a partner will move more often in the future to a clustered form of housing where people with and without (heavy) care needs live together. As a result, residents can help each other and people can continue to live in their own homes for longer, even if they need more care.
Requirements for care-fit homes
Corporations and care providers who want to make use of the scheme are obliged to make prior arrangements with the care administration office about the number of Wlz clients they want to accommodate on a structural basis. Per project, at least 30% of the number of homes must be allocated to Wlz clients. The applicants should also consider dementia-friendly living. The subsidy scheme will remain available at least until 2027 and has been drawn up in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).