Cabinet formally goes into crisis mode over war in Ukraine: possible large number of refugees on the way | Politics

The cabinet is now formally in crisis mode because of the large expected influx of refugees from Ukraine to the Netherlands. With more central control, ‘faster decision-making’ is possible.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte has just announced this after cabinet talks on Ukraine. Poland currently hosts by far the largest number of refugees. But they can also come here, you have to be prepared for that. That is why decision-making now also formally follows the crisis structure, which makes it possible to act faster.”

With the special ‘crisis organisation’, decision-making is adjusted, ‘across the departments’. Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz (VVD) will act as coordinating minister. The Hague crisis structure was previously set up after the attack on flight MH17, the tram attack in Utrecht, after Hurricane Irma, but also during the corona pandemic.

Rutte: ,,Now there are a thousand registered refugees in the Netherlands, but we do not know how much that will increase. We don’t have a script for that now, a lot depends on the absorption capacity of Poland too. We have to ensure that we provide the best possible shelter.”
