Cabinet delegation to Paris for government consultations with French government | news item

News item | 07-03-2022 | 17:36

Prime Minister Rutte will be in Paris on Wednesday 9 March with a delegation from the Dutch cabinet for government consultations with a delegation from the French government, led by President Macron. The government consultations are taking place within the framework of the agreement that Prime Minister Rutte and President macron made about this during their meeting last August in Paris.

During a working lunch at the Elysee The Dutch and French delegations will discuss the situation in Ukraine, the international response to the Russian invasion and cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid and the reception of refugees. The Franco-Dutch cooperation on various topics in the field of foreign affairs and defence, climate and energy and the economy, and internal affairs and justice will also be discussed. This also against the background of the French presidency of the Council of the EU, which runs until June. After the delegation lunch, Prime Minister Rutte and President macron another bilateral meeting.

The following will be present in Paris on Wednesday: Minister Kaag of Finance, Minister Hoekstra of Foreign Affairs, Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security, Minister Ollongren of Defense and Minister Jetten of Climate and Energy.

Being on the French side, in addition to being president macronpresent: minister Le Maire of Economy, Finance and Recovery, Minister Le Drian and Secretary of State Beaune of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Minister Darmanin of the Interior and Minister parly of the Armed Forces.

Before the program on the Elysee is Prime Minister Rutte at the Paris University Sciences Po for a discussion with students about developments in Ukraine and the possible consequences for cooperation within the EU and NATO. The Prime Minister gives a short introductory speech, after which he talks to students.
