Cabinet comes up with amounts for new student basic grant

Cabinet comes up with amounts for new basic grant students ANP

From the 2023/2024 academic year, the cabinet wants to give students a basic grant of 91 euros per month if they live with their parents, and 255 euros if they live in a room. The supplementary grant for students whose parents earn little, must amount to a maximum of 419 euros.

Several sources from The Hague confirm this after a message from the AD. The government itself has a preference for the above amounts, but has also identified a number of other scenarios. These will be discussed with the House of Representatives in the near future.

The governing parties VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie already agreed in the coalition agreement that the controversial student loan system should make way next year for a scholarship that existed until 2015. There will be compensation for students who have not received a scholarship in recent years.
