Cabinet blocks the arrival of a huge data center from Facebook to Zeewolde | Zeewolde

The government is not yet going to sell the land in Zeewolde on which a much-discussed data center would be located to Meta, the parent company of Facebook. Meta does not yet meet the requirements. “Then the message to Zeewolde is also: the land will not be sold yet,” said Minister Hugo de Jonge.

The minister will discuss this with the municipality of Zeewolde. “We also know that the political situation in Zeewolde has of course changed,” he emphasizes. Parties that had opposed the arrival of the data center had a major victory in the municipal elections in March. It is not yet clear whether the data center has officially been shut down.

Research organization TNO had looked critically at the conditions, and some of the conditions are not met, says De Jonge. “Then it is about the way in which the solar panels are applied in the design, it is about requirements for sustainability and energy.”
