Cabinet bill to make products and services more accessible to people with disabilities | News item

News item | 20-06-2023 | 3:00 PM

Minister Helder of Long-Term Care and Sport has sent a bill to the House of Representatives to make products and services more accessible to people with disabilities. The bill amends several laws to implement a European Directive. This directive deals with the accessibility requirements for products and services. As a result, services and products such as smartphones, streaming services, webshops, ATMs and travel information for public transport will become more accessible. Making these services and products more accessible ensures that people with disabilities can better participate in society.

Minister Helder: “In the Netherlands we still have to take steps to become more inclusive for people with disabilities. We are working with the cabinet to ensure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as people without disabilities. That is why, on behalf of the government, I am taking this step towards more accessible services and products. It is an important step towards an inclusive Netherlands.”

After advice from the Council of State, the bill was sent to the House of Representatives. This new law stems from the European Accessibility Directive, with which we will make products and services accessible to people with disabilities in all EU member states from 28 June 2025. This can be done, for example, with subtitles, a reading function, adjustable brightness or sound and simple language on websites and in manuals. This makes it easier for people with a disability to withdraw money, take out insurance, buy a ticket, read a book or order something online.

UN disability treaty

This adjustment of the law is in line with the UN convention on disability. This Convention stipulates that the Parties to the Convention shall take appropriate measures to try to give persons with disabilities the same opportunity as persons without disabilities. This also applies to products and services.

Change in business

This law will affect entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW are already informing companies about the accessibility regulations that they must comply with.

The products that fall under this law and that are placed on the market after 28 June 2025 must comply with the accessibility requirements of the directive. Products that were already on the market before that date do not have to be modified, although this is encouraged.

All services covered by this law must comply with accessibility regulations from 28 June 2025. After all, an online service is easier to customize than a physical product. Current contracts, such as a telephone subscription or mortgage, must meet the requirements from 28 June 2030.
