Cabinet allowed to experiment with new ballot paper in elections

New ballot papers may be used in upcoming elections. The cabinet can continue developing this now that the Senate has also approved a temporary law that makes it possible to experiment with other voting forms. The cabinet wants to use a new form, because the current ballot paper is very large due to the many parties that participate in elections. As a result, the bill has become clumsy and impractical for voters and for enumerators.

It is not clear exactly what a new ballot paper will look like. Experiments are conducted to determine which of the notes to be designed will work best.

The bill received support from PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, SP, PvdD, SGP, ChristenUnie, CDA, VVD and 50PLUS. Against another ballot are the Nanninga fraction, Otten fraction, PVV, FVD and Frentrop fraction. The OSF was absent.
