C&A wants to open 100 new branches in Europe

DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – The textile retail chain C&A is expanding. “We want to open 100 new branches in Europe in the next three years,” said the new head of Germany, Carsten Horn, when asked by dpa. The “Rheinische Post” first reported.

According to the company, the focus of the growth plans is primarily on the countries of Romania, Poland and Italy. New branches are also expected to open in Germany next year, including in Hamburg. Horn also sees potential in Berlin and East Germany. Further branches are planned to be opened in Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris and Milan in 2024.

The company particularly prefers locations close to the city center. Horn wants to focus on a new store concept in the future. “We strengthened the brand and looked at what customers were looking for from us. They don’t want to spend six floors in masses of textiles, but instead want to be inspired while shopping and discover new outfits. Less mass on clothes racks, more stage for fashion.”

C&A currently operates 1,300 branches in 17 countries, almost 400 of them in Germany. The company says it has already modernized two thirds of its locations. Most recently, locations were opened or reopened in Hamburg, Heilbronn and Singen./cr/DP/ngu
