BZ Culture Prize for Ukrainian film director Maryna Er Gorbach

The Ukrainian director Maryna Er Gorbach receives the BZ Culture Prize

The Ukrainian director Maryna Er Gorbach receives the BZ Culture Prize Photo: Ralf Gunther

From BZ/dpa

It is a great pleasure and honor for BZ to be able to award the Ukrainian director Maryna Er Gorbach with the BZ Culture Prize this year. The award ceremony will take place as part of a celebratory gala matinée on Sunday in the Kino International. The laudatory speech will be held by Berlin’s governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD).

With her film “Klondike”, Maryna Er Gorbach has created a work that is politically relevant and up-to-date as well as visually stunning about the war that has been raging in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

The film has already received awards at the Sundance Festival and in the Panorama section of the Berlinale. Nevertheless, it has not yet been distributed in Germany.

In 2014, Maryna Er Gorbach received the award for her visually powerful film “Klondike” about the acts of war in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk

In 2014, Maryna Er Gorbach received the award for her visually powerful film “Klondike” about the acts of war in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk Photo: Ralf Gunther

The feature film shows the life of the heavily pregnant Irka and her husband Tolik, in whose house in eastern Ukraine a huge hole is torn by a Russian missile and they are torn between their no longer safe home and fleeing.

A film that emphatically shows that the Russian war of aggression did not just begin this year.

Maryna Er Gorbach was born in Kyiv on July 17, 1981. She studied at the IK Karpenko Kary University of Theatre, Cinema and Television in Kyiv. She lives in Istanbul with her husband, producer Mehmet Bahadir Er. With her film, she wanted to “bring a world war to the audience,” said Maryna Er Gorbach. No viewer can escape the power of your film.


BZ Culture Prize Berlin Culture Film
