By these means, Disney is trying to get Johnny Depp back

Disney shelved Johnny Depp’s well-known Pirates of the Caribbean role in the trial, but is now working to get the actor back in the saga by any means.

Disney wants Johnny Depp back in the role of Jack Sparrown. The decision is influenced by the outcome of the lawsuit, in which Johnny received more plush damages than Amber Heard. Juha Metso

The public trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in the United States changed the careers of both actors as they were shelved for more of their roles. Now Disney is trying to get Johnny Depp back into the role of Jack Sparrown in the sequels to Pirates of the Caribbean.

In the case of Depp, negotiations to return to the role are currently underway. According to the Daily Mail, Disney is once again very interested in getting the actor into the ranks of his film series. According to the newspaper’s revelation, the company is negotiating with the actor with a contract of about $ 300 million.

Disney’s goal would be to get the actor on Disney Plus for the Pirates of the Caribbean 6 and his own spin-off series that tells the story of Sparrow’s past life.

As a reward, it has also been promised that Disney would donate a large sum to a charity chosen by the actor. The company is said to be trying to get Depp back to cooperating as soon as possible.

A former Disney employee has previously confirmed that Depp is hoped to return to his role. Now another source in the studio reveals that the actor is courting back to Disney.

– I know that the company sent him a gift basket with a heart-warming letter. What I can tell you is that the studio has already written a film sketch featuring Jack Sparrow. They are hopeful that Johnny will forgive them and return to his iconic role.

The company is working to make a difference with the actor. A large film company set Depp aside from the role of the film as early as 2018. At that time, the original screenwriter for the film series Stuart Bettie confirmed that the actor will not be seen in a possible sequel.

– Disney is very interested in making a difference with Johnny Depp. They reached out to the actor after the trial and asked if he would be interested in returning to one or two Pirates movies, an unknown source being told OK! Magazine.

Johnny Deppin is rumored to refuse a possible offer, but his agent has denied the rumors. ALRIGHT! According to the magazine, the rumors are invented. Johnny Depp himself has not yet commented on his position on the latest negotiations.

He is currently touring with his friends and guitarist Jeff Beckin at gigs all over Europe. So it remains to be seen if Disney will get the popular actor back in his well-known role as a pirate.

Johnny performs at his friend Jeff Beck’s gigs. The duo also performed in Helsinki in June. Ilpo Musto / Shutterstock

Source: ALRIGHT! Magazine, Daily Mail
