BVs react to final ‘The Masked Singer’: “10.000 times sorry to everyone I had to lie to” | showbiz

showbizThe final of ‘The Masked Singer’ was broadcast on Friday evening. Finally we found out who was hiding behind the masks of Rabbit, Miss Poes and Ridder and who took the win. Curious how candidates and BVs reacted to the unmasking?

Check out Loredana and Conner Rousseau’s reactions below:

Let’s start with the winner of the evening: Miss Poes aka Camille† “First of all, I apologize 10,000 times to everyone I’ve had to lie to over the past few months,” she wrote on social media. “Second, thank you to everyone behind the scenes of this wonderful program for looking after me and all the other candidates so well. Thanks to you this became an incredibly beautiful adventure. Third, I am incredibly happy and proud to have won. Thank you VTM for asking me to join, thank you to the millions of viewers for faithfully watching our beautiful costumes every week and enjoying the best music show in the world.”

directing, with whom Camille has worked with in the past, was delighted with her win. “My favorite cat! Congratulations Camille, you are unique!”

Also Pommelien Thijs, who is in ‘#LikeMe’ with Camille and who himself was also suspected, was ecstatic. “Irish, ons poezeke, se”, she wrote alongside some blurry photos of them together.

Finished in second place Knight, aka Loredana† “What a nice and wonderful adventure”, she wrote with a photo of the three finalists. “I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this fantastic TV show. Would also like to thank everyone from the production and VTM, everything was great down to the last detail. Backstage it was always a laugh with all the performing artists. But what a massive response, nice to read, thank you everyone for all the warm support. I will now continue my crusade, back on tour.”

her partner, Pat Krimson, was of course very proud. “Loredana is Knight. Congratulations girl,” he said.

Conner Rousseau finished as Rabbit in third place. “It’s me, b***s,” he said. “Great adventure. Crazy period last year. I hope you enjoyed it?”

Andy Peelman took part last year and acted as a detective this year. “What an adventure! What a people! Madness”, he reacted when he saw the fans who showed up in Kinepolis to watch the final on a big screen. “It was great to see all these people and to see a smile on their face.”

Tine Embrechts, who competed as Flamme Fatale, was clearly delighted that Camille took the win. “This girl is sooooo good,” she captioned a photo of the two of them. “Deserved winner. Kiss from your showbiz mama.”

Comments victory Camille © Instagram

Also Aster Nzeyimana, half of the Robots, followed the denouement closely. “Camille is the best singer in Belgium, no discussion,” he said.

Comments victory Camille

Comments victory Camille © Instagram


Miss Cat, Rabbit and Knight reveal their secrets: “Fake hips and buttocks were very deliberately astray” (+)

LIVE. Winner Miss Poes unmasked in ‘The Masked Singer’: “Many people didn’t know me yet”
