BVB star Erling Haaland should switch to Manchester City: Medical check already completed

No other personal issue is discussed as hotly in football as the upcoming change from star kicker Erling Haaland. Now the deal is moving.

Star striker Erling Haaland is said to have informed Borussia Dortmund about his move to Manchester City at the end of the season and has already completed the medical check-up. According to information from the Belgian “Nieuwsblad”, the 21-year-old completed the examinations at the Erasmus Hospital in Brussels on Monday. The newspaper did not give a source for this. According to their own information, the Bundesliga club Dortmund had allowed the Norwegian to use the day off from training to “regulate personal matters”.

In the Erasmus hospital, people were surprised when one of the most sought-after football players in the world suddenly appeared, according to the report from Belgium. Haaland decided to go to Brussels so that the investigation could go ahead without a stir and to save himself the trip to Manchester.

Sky had previously reported that city boss Ferran Soriano had informed BVB managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke that the English wanted to activate the agreed exit clause in Haaland’s contract and pay the fixed fee of 75 million euros. The portal “The Athletic” also wrote that the parties were in principle in agreement and that the change should take place this week.

Kehl has already announced “clarity”.

This coincides with the statements made by the future BVB sports director Sebastian Kehl, who said in the “double pass” at Sport1 on Sunday: “I think we will have clarity next week. I wouldn’t be surprised if he moves on in the end.”
