BVB: Marius Wolf auctions jersey for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

“Let’s keep being there for each other”

After the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, started a charity auction to help the people affected. Juan Mata (34) started with a signed shirt, followed by Moroccan professional Sofyan Amrabat (26) from Fiorentina and Sevilla loanee Alex Telles (30, came from Manchester United). Marius Wolf (27) from Borussia Dortmund is now also participating and would like to make his contribution with a limited BVB “Kohle + Stahl special jersey” that he also wears, including his signature. Officially, the jersey is no longer available. Here you can participate in the auction, which ends on March 8th. The TM team forwards the proceeds in full and directly to UNICEF’s earthquake aid.

Wolf tells Transfermarkt: “We could not prevent the terrible suffering caused by this earthquake, but we can do something now to alleviate it! We all have acquaintances, friends or even family in Turkey and Syria, we have all (hopefully) already donated. If you haven’t done it yet, would like to do it again or would simply be happy about this jersey, I encourage you to take part here! Let’s keep being there for each other. Your Marius”

More than 48,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake disaster. The tremors collapsed tens of thousands of buildings in south-east Turkey alone. Efforts are being made across the area to improve the devastating conditions on the ground for survivors. These are coordinated by the civil protection authority AFAD in cooperation with public institutions and organizations as well as NGOs.

Helpful people can not only help the injured victims and survivors of the disaster on site, but also with donations. These can over virtualPOSbank accounts and SMS be made. There is also a further overview of aid projects and donation options here.

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