BV 24/7. Niels Destadsbader gets hot during ’24 HOURS LIVE’ and Kat Kerkhofs goes after Céline Dion | BV 24/7

showbizThe show must go on, because the Showbiz world never stands still. Discover what your favorite BVs and celebs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in our news stream.

The Starlings enjoy the performance on the ’24 HOUR LIVE’. “The last few months I have had a hard time on stage, for various reasons,” says Kato. “A kind of panic or fear of failure, call it what you want. Every now and then a serious blackout and (unnecessarily) a lot of stress. And I notice that in myself (and my voice). Working on it, with small steps it gets better and better. And then yesterday in the middle of our two songs a butterfly came and sat on my piano & my hand. The whole song, until I was done. Until I was calm.”

Lien Van de Kelder and her offspring are on their way to Thailand.

Kat Kerkhofs amuses himself behind the scenes of ‘Dancing with the stars’.

Rani De Coninck Niels Destadsbader literally asked himself during ’24 HOURS LIVE’.

Ellemieke Vermolen celebrates her son Noa’s thirteenth birthday. “You are so wise, sweet, empathetic and funny,” she writes.

Jan Smit enjoy a holiday in the snow.

Barbara Dex calls the ’24 HOUR LIVE’ “a musical booster”.

Metejor also gave the best of themselves during ’24 HOURS LIVE’. He had taken the Dutch singer Emma Heesters with him.


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