BV 24/7. Gert Verhulst and James Cooke celebrate, Niels Destadsbader and Natalia are good friends | showbiz

Dorothee Dauwe and Maarten Vancoillie are still attached to each other. “He can still laugh at my jokes on day two.”

Niels Destadsbader and Natalia are clearly good buddies. “Friends”, it sounds on Instagram.

Saartje Vandendriessche releases a new book. “So proud.”

Roxeanne Hazesthe sister of André Hazes, participates in the Dutch program ‘Beste Zangers’.

Gert Verhulst and James Cooke are clearly in a festive mood.

Anke Buckinx got a visit from Belle Perez today. Sven Ornelis saw that it was good.
