BV 24/7. Anouk Matton poses with hair zoontje and Lotte Vanwezemael enjoys a boottochtje | BV 24/7

Candice Martensbecause of ‘Blind gotrouwd’, enjoys a trip with hair together.

Anouk Matton posed on Ibiza with hair zoontje London.

okay Lotte Vanwezemael Laadt de batteries op in het Buitenland. The Play4 story is written on the Greek island of Santorini.

okay Marijn Devalck ontwijkt de file with a boottochtje.

Julie Vermeire zet nog steeds de bloemetjes buiten in Cannes.

Junior Planckaert Prepare yourself for a rally in Oostrozebeke Sunday.

Jan Smith Heeft twee nieuwe huisgenoten: Dustin en Stankovis.

Eline De Munck There is no reason to worry about my life in hair. Zeven jaar gegeden started ze hair glasses brand Odette Lunettes.
