Buyers of real estate in Bruges are that old/young

Buyers of real estate in Bruges are that old/young

This is evident from figures from notaries in the provincial capitals.


On average, a house in Bruges cost 356,776 euros in 2022. For comparison: in the province of West Flanders, the average price was 314,967 euros.

In 2022, the buyer of a house was in Bruges average 38.5 years old. The average age was lower in the other Flemish provincial capitals. Last year, 51.5% of home buyers were aged 31 to 50. They paid an average of 375,304 euros for a house.

Notary Bart van Opstal: “31.5% of the buyers of a house were 30 years old or younger. In 2022, they paid an average of 328,326 euros for a house. In 2021, this amounted to an average of 306,223 euros. 15% of the buyers were 51 to 65 years old. They bought the most expensive houses in the city in 2022: an average of 393,099 euros.

The share of over-65s, just like the shares of the other age categories, remained virtually stable compared to 2021: 2.1%. On average, people over 65 paid 386,673 euros for a house in Bruges.”


On average, an apartment in Bruges cost 279,565 euros. By way of comparison: in the province of West Flanders, the average price was 283,847 euros.

In 2022, the buyer of an apartment was in Bruges on average 45.3 years old. The average age was lower in the other Flemish provincial capitals.

The share of over-65s who bought an apartment in Bruges in 2022 was 11%, much higher than in the other provincial capitals. People over 65 bought the most expensive apartments in the city: an average of 356,772 euros.

Buyers aged 30 or younger bought the cheapest apartments, with an average price of 228,899 euros. Young buyers had a share of 23.9% in 2022. In 2021 it was 20.6%.

The largest group of buyers was 31 to 50 years old, accounting for a share of 38.8%. The apartments they bought cost an average of 279,858 euros. 26.2% of buyers were 51 to 65 years old. Their share decreased compared to 2021 (then 29.1%). The apartments they bought cost an average of 295,560 euros.

Bruges boroughs

Notary Bart van Opstal: “In 2022, buyers aged 31 to 50 will form the largest group of buyers of houses in all sub-municipalities of Bruges. In Dudzele they had a share of 62.5%. In Koolkerke it was 57.7%, in Saint Michaels at 55.6%. The same group of buyers had in it center of Bruges a share of 39.6% when it came to apartments. In Lissewege their share was slightly larger: 44.4%. In Saint Cross it even went up to 60%.”
