BUY VOTES MURCIA – Elections 28M

Isabel de los Dolores Penalver Neuhauser, candidate of Socialist Party to the Mayor of Albudeite (Region of Murcia)has been arrested for his alleged involvement in a network of vote buying in the municipality, indicate sources close to the case.

Together with her, at least two politicians have been arrested, one of them a member of Pepe Vélez’s list for the Assembly. Specifically, his number 19, Hector Antonio Martinez.

The Judicial Police of the Civil Guard carried out the arrests this Thursday, after the scandal arose in the framework of another investigation.

The suspects are free with charges, after testifying at the Armed Institute. The same sources pointed out that the investigation is open and that no more arrests ruled out in the next few hours.

Apparently, according to sources close to the investigation, the alleged purchase of votes would have derived from a drug raid that took place this wednesday in the locality and where the investigation prior to it had been confirmed through do you listen of the possible purchase of votes and those involved in this plot.

The PSOE will expel its candidate if the facts are confirmed

From the PSOE of the Region of Murcia they have made it clear, through a statement, that they will not tolerate “any type of lack of exemplarity” in their organization. “In the Socialist Party, our pulse does not tremble before any illegal or unethical practice. If the facts are confirmed, the pertinent measures will be taken that, in the case of affecting one of our militants, will go through the immediate expulsion of the party and the cessation of all the positions that he holds”, they have stated. Likewise, they point out that all political organizations must act responsibly and exemplary and hope that these “intolerable events that are affecting different organizations in our country are not instrumentalized by any formation, because if so, the only one that would really be harmed would be democracy.” “.

They emphasize that the Region of Murcia is a Community punished by “decades of corruption of the Popular Party” against which the PSOE has “fought tirelessly.” For this reason, they continue, they are “implacable against any behavior that does not meet the highest ethical standards, because in this party there is no place for those who carry out illegal actions.” From the PSOE of the Region of Murcia they are committed to always defend a “transparent and quality democracy” with all the instruments at their disposal.

Related news

For the rest of the parties that choose to govern the Albudeite City Council after these elections, one of the requests that has been made from the beginning has been that they let the residents vote freely, they affirm from The people’s voice. For its part, the Popular Party, through its candidate, jesus garciaHe hopes that justice will resolve these facts that they deeply regret and that the best thing for the people of Albudeite would be that it could finally be demonstrated that there has not been such a situation.

more suspicions

A few days before the municipal and regional elections, the alleged cases of electoral fraud in Melilla and Mojácar They have given an unexpected turn to the campaign: what began as a one-off scandal and nothing new (in the autonomous city there have already been convictions for manipulation of the vote by mail) threatens to hit the credibility of the democratic system itself. In the Region, suspicions hang over Mazarron and now about albudeite.
