Bütema AG presents further developments at EuroCIS 2024

At EuroCIS from February 27th to 29th, 2024, Bütema AG will once again present progressive developments in the area of ​​digital signage, as well as new partner integration in the area of ​​retail media.

When thousands of visitors flock to the exhibition center in Düsseldorf in February, the leading provider of in-store solutions for the German fashion and lifestyle industry cannot be missed. This time, Bütema AG is presenting four highlights from its broad product portfolio.

With the artificial intelligence retail assistant KIra, Bütema AG is revolutionizing the shopping experience in stationary retail. Designed as a web-based application, end customers start the virtual assistant by scanning a QR code on their cell phone. With KIra as a personal chatbot, customers have access to a wealth of information about items, sizes, colors, availability and product findability in the store. KIra relieves the burden on staff in the area, ensures seamless shopping through the connection to merchandise management and online shopping, prepares fast lane shopping through queue busting and opens up monetization opportunities through the resale of advertising space to third parties.

The diversity of Bütema’s digital signage solution is presented on various displays and an LED wall. In addition, the creation and operation of the microapps, which represent low-code applications and are included as standard in Bütema Digital Signage, will be demonstrated at various points. Microapps are self-service applications that retailers can use to quickly and easily create product comparisons, customer card applications and interactive shop windows.

The trend topic of retail media is presented through the integration of FRAMEN GmbH into Bütema’s software landscape. FRAMEN is a content distribution platform for screens in semi-public spaces. This gives customers the opportunity to sell advertising space in the store – such as on the KIra app or the digital signage displays – to selected, suitable third parties close to the industry. This means that the costs of the retail solutions can be amortized.

Bütema AG

Bütema AG, based in Bietigheim-Bissingen, creates software, processes and workflows for the emotionalization, advice and optimal processing of shopping experiences in retail. The focus is on the perfect experience for the consumer and the best possible integration into the store concept, as well as the support of customer advisors through sales apps. In this way, Bütema achieves a contemporary shopping experience for consumers as well as optimally tailored branch processes to improve frequency, receipt sales and merchandise management.

Bütema AG consists of a team of over 70 employees. We deal with the provision of software, hardware and services every day to ensure optimal availability of our customers’ processes. In 2022 our sales reached 16 million euros. The export share was 28%.
