Butane, every night a radio bomb

Surely he had a thorn in him Jose Maria Garcia with the series that Movistar Plus+ premiered in 2021 entitled ‘Kings of the night’. There he was portrayed in the key of parody and grotesque. He seemed like some kind of ‘Turrent’ of waves. Seedy. A kind of synthesis of the ‘macarrismo’ of sports radio.

Now the same platform (M P+) corrects the shot and has just released the docuseriessupergarcia. Despite the opinion of colleagues who define him as “villain, big bastard, dictator”, despite this harsh preamble, this series has been built from devotion and not from spite. For this reason it is his own Garcia who stars in it Apart from the x-ray of her success, colossal, indisputable, I would like to highlight moments that maintain a very lively topicality. In the 70s and 80s, Garcia I already told Jose Maria inigowhen I was interviewing him on TVE: “Referees are bought and games are bought!” In other words, maybe negreira It’s just the tip of an old hidden iceberg.

The relationships with the companies in which he worked also draw a meditable landscape. «In the SER they respected me until Pío cabanillas became a minister Eugenio fontan told me: ‘cabanillas it does not give us stations, yes you are you still'”. and did not follow Garcia. Before, something similar happened to him on TVE. “I ended up the day I messed with a cousin of Mrs. Carmen Polo”, and they showed him the exit door. The company in which he was happiest was Antena 3 Radio. They passed us an advertisement that he made in those years, to promote the chain. There was a close-up of a young woman’s behind and Garcia warned us Here we call things by their name. To bread, bread. He came, he came And to the ass, ass ». oh! He said Almudena Perezwho was his secretary for years: “It was a man’s world. I spent the first two years dressing like a man. It was a way of trying to be ‘one’ more».

His power was an impressive audience. His soldier, 2,000 million pesetas per season. Advertising flowed faster than the Mississippi River. He was more popular, more famous, more of a star, he, than the footballers or cyclists he put on the bus. The character devoured the person. He started out as a stupendous, unusual, and sharp denouncer, and ended up as a ‘showman’. His colleagues warned. Despite these notes, the documentary ‘Supergarcía’ will have pleased Garcia. A radio genius.

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