Busy shopping streets due to early package evening, many assistant Sinterklaas on a bargain hunt

Because December 5 falls on Monday this year, Pakjesavond will be celebrated today or tomorrow in many households. In many shopping streets, therefore, it is today a coming and going of assistant Sinterklaas, who hope to score that coveted gift at the last minute. This is also the case in the center of Haarlem, where the packages, sprinkles and chocolate letters fly over the counter at a rapid pace.

Relief saints stressed by early Pakjesavond – NH News

“Last minutes of work, as very often”, one of the assistant Sinterklaas summarizes his afternoon. He therefore belongs to the group of stressed Sinterklaas. “A bit yes. And also a Sinterklaas who left home without a note, so it’s very difficult to come up with something.”

It is also striking that there are many people on the street who skip Sinterklaas, but celebrate Christmas with gifts. An elderly lady thinks that’s a bit of a shame, but she doesn’t miss the stress. “Every time those packages and fabrications and things you have to make. Then I think: ‘Never mind.'”

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