Busy agenda: this is what Amalia will do after her gap year

Sleeping in and taking trips whenever she wants will no longer be there. Amalia already has plans for after her gap year.

What will Amalia do after her gap year?

Now that Amalia is 18 years old, she shows her face more often on important occasions. But the ‘great work’ is still for her parents. Like many other teenagers, Amalia goes back to school after her gap year. “I applied for some studies in different cities, but I don’t know yet. It’s exciting and I hope to be able to say more soon,” she said earlier on King’s Day.

It is not yet known whether Amalia will traditionally study in Leiden as her father and grandmother did.

Prince’s Day

The life of the future Queen of the Netherlands is largely mapped out. This year, for the first time, she takes on her role as crown princess during Prinsjesdag: an important day in her agenda where she must be present.

“It’s a new phase, I realize,” the princess said earlier, after she was welcomed to the Council of State. “It looks slightly different from my peers, but yes, we knew this was going to happen for eighteen years.”

Prinsjesdag looks a bit different this year and that is not only due to the presence of Amalia. This year it will not take place in the Ridderzaal or in the Grote Kerk as usual, but in the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. It is not yet known exactly what that will look like, but according to a spokesperson for the Senate, the hall must have the allure of the Ridderzaal.

Amalia’s role during Prinsjesdag is limited, by the way, so that she can calmly prepare for the future. First she rides with her parents in the Glass Carriage – she is already practicing on the wobbly stairs – and once inside she takes a seat in the audience next to Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien.

Last year

Despite the corona virus, Princess Amalia did not sit still during her gap year. “I’ve done a lot of fun things in the past year,” she said on King’s Day. “I was especially busy with things that have added something to me, both educational and creative and fun.”

Amalia has never made it a secret that she wanted to do some useful internships during her free year. She did this for the Oranje Fonds, among others. Two more internships followed, but what the princess did exactly, she prefers to keep to herself.

Royalty reporter Rick Evers tells about the special story behind the new location of Prinsjesdag:

Source: RTL Boulevard

May 19, 2022
