Business manager Britney Spears benefited from bankruptcy, according to lawyer | NOW

The company that looked after Britney Spears’ business interests until 2020 benefited from the receivership under which the singer was placed. According to Spears’ lawyer, Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group helped set up the receivership and the company subsequently earned about 18 million dollars (17.25 million euros).

In new court documents, in the hands of varietySpears’ attorney Matt Rosengart claims that Tri Star lied about involvement in the receivership under which the singer was placed in 2008 after a mental breakdown.

The company has always denied it had anything to do with it, but Rosengart says email communications between a Tri Star employee, curator Jamie Spears, and his lawyer prove otherwise.

The Tri Star employee in question is even said to have insisted that she become one of the co-curators in the construction. In the end, that didn’t happen. Spears’ father did become one of the trustees of his daughter’s business and personal interests, who last year urged a court to end the trusteeship after 13 years. That finally happened a few months later.
