Bus full of Alkmaar general practitioners out of worries at Malieveld: ‘Bucket overflows’

A large group of general practitioners did not care for their patients today. The water is so on their lips that they went en masse to The Hague to express their concerns to the House of Representatives. This also applies to this group of general practitioners from the Alkmaar region.

“The bucket continues to overflow, the limit has been reached. Tasks from the hospital have come to us and the waiting lists are only increasing,” GP Hans van Gibbel explains to NH Nieuws. A bus full of general practitioners and doctor’s assistants left for The Hague this afternoon from the Huisartsenpost Alkmaar.

A national manifestation was held on Malieveld today, where the general practitioners wanted to make it clear that the workload is getting out of hand.

1513 patients

1513, is written on the shirt of GP Sonja Voskuil. “There are so many patients in my practice. “We want to keep the quality of care high. But we have seen in recent years that it is becoming so busy in the practices that it is really difficult to help all patients.”

With the strike, the general practitioners hope that better agreements will be made for the future.
