Bus drivers threatened and mistreated for an hour in Bergen op Zoom

Two armed and masked men threatened and assaulted two bus drivers from Arriva on Monday morning. That happened around half past six in the building of the transport company on the Potlodenlaan in Bergen op Zoom. This was reported by the police on Tuesday afternoon.

According to BN DeStem the perpetrators were concerned with CCTV footage. The drivers were allegedly threatened and mistreated for an hour. For example, a female driver would have been pressed to the throat with a gun.

The hostage situation came to an end with the arrival of a third Arriva employee. This employee managed to get the robbers out of the building. The employee got into his car and was followed by the car with the robbers. The assailants fled at a gas station.

Help for employees
An Arriva spokeswoman declined to comment on what happened. She refers to the police. The spokeswoman would like to say that there is support for the employees involved.

Arriva has filed a report. The detectives are investigating the hostage situation and threat. No one has been arrested yet.
