Burraco fatale, plot and cast of the film with Claudia Gerini | iO Donna

C.female comedy, a little ironic, very sentimental, Burraco Fatalea 2020 film, premieres on tv on Rai 2 tonight at 21.20. Very “pop” is the cast, made up of Claudia Gerini, Angela Finocchiaro, Caterina Guzzanti, Paola Minaccioni And Loretta Goggi.

Four women (plus one, Loretta Goggi), very different from each other, united by the passion for burraco And from mediocre and frustrating livessuddenly live a series of adventures and unexpected events (pleasant) leading to a discovery: life can be sparkling, however, it is always and only to fill it true love. Lightness and carefree are guaranteed.

Fatal Burracothe plot

Irma (Claudia Gerini), Rina (Paola Minaccioni), Miranda (Caterina Guzzanti) and Eugenia (Angela Finocchiaro) they have always been friends and meet often to play burraco. For them it is an opportunity to gossip, chat about everything and more, above all it is the way to vent the frustrations of their respective lives.

Rina she is a notary, but she is a kleptomaniac bettor, pathologically liar and for this reason she remained single. Miranda is a widow and shares her late husband’s house with her mother-in-law (Loretta Goggi) that she calls hyena. Eugenia she is a housewife, married to a man who ignores her because he underestimates her, and she is totally submissive to him. Irma is the protagonist: she is married to a man who has been cheating on her for years with a young social climber, but she pretends not to notice anything to keep the “family quiet”.

Friends for the skin, they are very skilled with cards. They decide to sign up for a national tournament, competing for the Lazio Region. They get excited, but deep down they don’t believe they can do it. Instead they qualify and the euphoria is total.

Claudia Gerini, 50 years old in full energy: the disco party is overwhelming

And love suddenly appears

While the four friends (plus the mother-in-law) are all caught up in the national tournament, an unexpected blow up the games. To shatter (actually to make the story compelling) is Irma who suddenly knows Nabil (Mohamed Zouaoui), a refined and caring young man of Moroccan origins. Irmacourted as never before, falls in love with it immediately.

Claudia Gerini is Irma with Nabil, played by Mohamed Zouaoui.

Thus begins a passionate romance that leads her and friends to go with Nabil in Morocco. The exotic allure of the situation leads to the ultimate spark it brings Irma to marry the boy. It seems like a head shot, but it is just a way to regain possession of her life and be able to finally live it in a full and satisfying way. The moral is clear: life is as unpredictable as a burraco match.

Fatal Burraco: too many old stereotypes about women?

Candidate in 2021 ai Silver Ribbons with Loretta Goggi competing in the Best Actress category, Fatal Burraco it did not have an exciting response at the box office: it grossed just over 300 thousand euros. It must be said, however, that it was released in theaters in October 2020, in full Covid, when cinemas (open with difficulty) were considered one of the places of greatest danger.

Not great either reviews from criticswhich has turned up their noses especially for some clichés and stereotypes in which the film seems to embed women. Dissatisfied and unable to rebel against male abuses, if not through the solution of the love story that brings out the good “prince charming”. Despite this, the film turns out lively and fun. And she still manages to give joy and good humor.

