Burnt-down world tree survives thanks to new technique with young shoots

The trunk of the monumental world tree in Eindhoven now seems to have really been saved, thanks to a technique from America. Strong shoots that have emerged from the ground around the tree will save the tree. This was announced on Wednesday during a presentation at the tree. Ton Stokwielder of Stichting de Wereldboom is happy: “The trunk will be even more impressive than it is now.”

Written by

Thijs den Ouden

At the end of July, things went badly wrong with a monumental tree in a park on the Bandalaan in Eindhoven. A fire damaged the tree. Three teenagers were later arrested for this.

The tree had a special meaning for tree lovers and people in the area. It wasn’t just the first world tree. The tree is also 262 years old and has a symbolic meaning for many people. The tree was used as a place to marry and mourn.

“That exploded on its own.”

The fact that the tree is important to many people is also apparent from the money raised by the crowdfunding campaign. “The counter eventually stood at 11,000 euros, while no one has lobbied for it. That exploded all by itself.”

Despite the charred core of the tree, it now looks good for the tree. “Thirty powerful shoots have emerged from the ground in three places around the trunk of the tree,” says Ton Stokwielder. A shoot is a stem with leaves on it, a kind of baby tree.

“We have a kind of mentor tree.”

“The shoots around the tree are doing really well. They grow about ten centimeters a week. This is because the roots are not damaged. So there is an enormous root force under the ground.”

Those shoots with that powerful root canal underneath also form the basic shapes for the future of the tree. “We use the shoots to create a braid around the trunk. They have done this in California too. We have a kind of mentor tree there.”

“Together they become one new tribe.”

“Ultimately, the idea is that these shoots will support the old trunk. In thirty years the trunk will rot. Then those shoots should carry the trunk.”

The tree already had an impressive appearance before the fire, but if everything works out, the tree will have to look even more impressive. “We make the wickerwork in such a way that all shoots fuse together and eventually become one trunk. The trunk will be even more impressive than now. A small advantage in this major disaster.”

“Wedding again in thirty years.”

It will be a while before they can start braiding. “We want to give him a boost first. It really depends on how the tree develops. In a year’s time we will already steer the tree a bit, but the real weaving will take another two to five years.”

In the coming period, it will be looked at whether the podium will really come back. “When the stage returns, it will take another three to five years. The first weddings can take place again in five years.”


Monumental tree damaged in fire in Eindhoven park

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