Burglary at the Winkel golf course: cash register and clothing stolen

Burglars did a lot of havoc last night at golf course Regthuys in Winkel. Not only has the complete cash register from the reception been taken, clothing is also gone. Meanwhile, owner Jeroen Botman is left with (financial) damage.

Police received a report of the burglary around 12:45 a.m. last night. Burglars had broken into the golf club in Winkel through a window of the restaurant. And that while the golf club is very secured.

“We have alarms everywhere.” The alarm went off, but to no avail. The burglars acted quickly. When the security guards arrived fifteen minutes after the first report, they were already gone.

“There was glass everywhere on the floor,” says owner Jeroen Botman. “They made a mess of it.” The burglars took the cash register at the reception and a number of clothing and shoes from the shop.

Camera images

All shards have now been cleared and the golf course is open to visitors today. There are cameras around the entire site, the images from last night are handed over to the police.

No suspects have been arrested yet. The police say they are looking for witnesses who can report to: 0900-8844
