Burcu Kıratlı-Sinan Akçıl’s second marriage ended in three minutes

Actress Burcu Kıratlı and singer Sinan Akçıl, who got married in January 2019 and got a surprise divorce nine months later, said that they parted happily at every opportunity. The famous couple, who reunited their lives in February 2021, did not find happiness in their second marriage. While Sinan Akçıl’s exit from the courthouse remained silent, Burcu Kıratlı made a statement after the three-minute hearing.

Sinan Akçıl and Burcu Kıratlı got married on January 1, 2019 in Amsterdam. The couple, who remained married for nine months, divorced with a sudden decision; It was claimed that the separation was caused by the jealousy crises of Burcu Kıratlı. The famous duo, who could stand to stay away from each other for 20 days, came together again and sat on the wedding table for the second time in February 2021.

Not long after, Sinan Akçıl announced that he and Burcu Kıratlı had separated the houses. Saying “We are in a marriage dead end at the moment”, 39-year-old Akçıl continued his words as follows:

“These are the crises that can happen in every marriage. We talk every day, we try to solve it. I left the big apartment in 4th Levent, where I moved before the second wedding, to Burcu, I moved to a separate place myself. But in the end, I don’t know what decision we will make at the moment. This divorce It may be, it may be to continue the marriage under the same roof again. Burcu is the woman I fell in love with and married twice. Her place in me is indisputable. She is a woman I value enough to marry for the second time.”


Burcu Kıratlı said, “Yes, we have a divorce situation right now, but we are waiting. “We don’t have anything to worry about. We’re just waiting. We’ll see the result soon,” he said.


It was claimed that the couple decided to divorce because Kıratlı did not take kindly to the famous singer’s request for a child. Sinan Akçıl and actress Burcu Kıratlı divorced for the second time. The couple’s second marriage, which lasted 15 months, ended today with a three-minute hearing.


Burcu Kıratlı, who was seen at the courthouse, said, “I won’t say anything. I’m numb right now. I don’t need to say much. Two divorces, we’re a little too brave.”


The 39-year-old actress made a statement regarding the allegations that she was in love with lawyer Nail Gönenli, “I told you before that she is my friend.”

