Bundesliga: Wrong penalty decision against Mainz: Augsburg is approaching the rescue – Bundesliga – football

Apologies from Jöllenbeck

Strong gesture: After the game, Jöllenbeck apologized to Sky for his wrong whistle. “I saw it at half-time. Almost two worlds. Clear mistake, yes.” He would have wished it had been corrected by the video assistant Stieler from Cologne’s basement, he said. “But I take it on my cap.”

Mainz sports director Martin Schmidt complained: “What I can’t understand is that Keller doesn’t help in Cologne and lets him make such a huge mistake.” Mainz coach Bo Svensson was also outraged: “What are they doing in Cologne? That’s a blatant mistake.”

Niederlechner: “I saw the pictures, no penalty!”

And the players’ tempers were also heated after the game. “I saw the pictures, it wasn’t a 911, to be honest. But I can’t help it at all. The man in the Cologne basement has to see that at the latest.”, explained Augsburg’s Niederlechner on the sports show micro. The man from Augsburg reacted angrily to Robin Zentner’s accusation that Niederlechner should have drawn attention to it himself:

“What nonsense! The problem is that he catches me trying to tackle a goal. I don’t go to the referee and say it’s not a penalty when I feel he’s catching me – so where are we?” His conclusion: “It wasn’t a foul, but it wasn’t a swallow either.”
