Bundesliga premiere at Eintracht Frankfurt vs. VfL Wolfsburg

Premiere of the “Ref-Cam” in the Bundesliga: Referee Daniel Schlager films the encounter between Eintracht Frankfurt and VfL Wolfsburg on Sunday (3:30 p.m./DAZN) from his perspective.

The FIFA referee therefore has a small special camera on the headset and sound cabling. Schlager had already tested the “Ref-Cam” in the 3rd league in December.

According to a press release from the German Football Association (DFB), the material obtained will be used for the report entitled “Referees Mic’d up – Bundesliga”. This is a monthly format published by the German Football League (DFL), which will be made available to media partners from March 12th.

“The new perspective on the field is intended to create more understanding for the difficult task of the referees,” said the DFB. The International Football Association Board (IFAB) approved the use of the “Ref-Cam”.
