Bumblebee again in the Bergen op Zoom district: ‘It is not really nice to live here’

The residents of the house right behind hair salon ‘Cuts by Turner’ in Bergen op Zoom were shocked after the shelling that took place there on Saturday night. “My kids sleep up there,” says the family’s mother, pointing to the window just above the shotgun window of the hair salon.

Profile photo of René van Hoof

Several residents of the Kastanjelaan heard the loud bang at night. “I first thought it was an accident,” says one of the local residents on Saturday morning. “When I looked outside, I saw all the police.” In daylight it became clear what had actually happened. The window of the barbershop was shot. There was a big hole in the glass, the size of a tennis ball.

The father of the owner of the barbershop comes to see the damage with his own eyes on Saturday morning. “I have no idea what’s behind this,” he says.

“Don’t be surprised, house prices are also looking at this.”

It’s not the first time there has been a commotion in this neighborhood. A year ago there was also shooting here, then on the Jan Dercksstraat and the Wouwsestraatweg. A man was killed in the latest shooting. At the beginning of this year, a stabbing took place on Plataanstraat and this week a 15-year-old drug dealer crashed the car he was driving into a house on the same street.

The local residents are no longer surprised by what is happening. “That’s what house prices here are like…”, one of them sighs.

“This is too bizarre for words.”

A woman who lives a block away only heard of the shooting on Saturday morning while shopping. “A female that I met there told me that there had been shooting again in our street. I hadn’t noticed that. When I came back from the city I thought: you know what, I’ll drive by. I saw that bullet hole in the window right next to the door, way up top. I then went to stand with some local residents.”

She calls what happened too bizarre for it. “It’s not really nice living here. If I come home late at night or have to leave early in the morning, I don’t like that. But where should we go at this time? With the current house prices?”

“Sometimes we don’t know anymore…”

According to her, many problems in the neighborhood are drug-related. She finds it suspicious that large cars are parked in front of the door in the most crazy places late at night. “At one point I kept an eye on one. He comes here very regularly. He came here four or five times to get stuff.”

She has the idea that these cars are used to deliver drugs. “I’ve found something here so many times, even cocaine. I also took that to the police station.” But she has the feeling that the municipality and the police do not take the local residents seriously enough. “Last year, after that shooting, but now so many things are happening here again… But they don’t come or they come too late. Sometimes we don’t know anymore…”

Hair salon shot in Bergen op Zoom, hole as big as tennis ball in the window

Resident in shock after boy (15) hits her house with car

Two injured in stabbing in Bergen op Zoom, police are looking for third man

Man (55) died after shooting in Bergen op Zoom

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