Bullying will become a crime, with sentences of up to 6 years

THEL bullying phenomenon is much broader than you think: just think that 22% of students from the high schoolas reported by a 2021 Education Ministry study, was the victim of violence. But despite the devastating psychological and sometimes even physical consequences for these children, this type of abuse is still not punished. Until now. The room, thus, thanks to the work of the Justice Commission and the unanimous vote of the majority and the opposition, it has remedied this lack, already noted by the Cassation with various sentences. And so, when the law is passed, the bullying will be subject to criminal penalties.

Cyberbullying and bullying, what are the differences of this violent phenomenon

What is meant by bullying

For “bullying” the law means «repeated assault or harassmentfrom part of a single person or group of people, in damage to a minor or group of minorscapable of causing feelings of anxiety, fear, isolation or marginalization, through harassing acts or behaviour, pressure or physical or psychological violence, instigation to suicide or self-harm, threats or blackmail, theft or damage, offense or derision” .

If cyberbullying was already a crime, bullying still isn’t. So far (Getty)

Bullying becomes a crime

The expected penalty ranges from one year to 6 years and 6 monthswhile minors are entrusted to social services or to a community if the educational path is not successful. The new law also provides that as much attention is paid to adults that they will not supervise violent minors.

Not only punishments, but psychological and prevention paths

Of course, the law does not focus only on sanctionswhich also provide for the aggravating circumstance in the event of group bullyingbut also on prevention paths. First at school and then with pedagogical and psychological courses for the aggressors and, of course, also for the victims.

The preferred places where bullying develops, in fact, are places of aggregation, such as classrooms and corridors of institutions. Among the favorite victims are foreigners, homosexuals and the disabledwhile the cyberbullying focuses on girls.

Paths of re-education to respect for others

If the violence takes place at school the school manager must inform the parents of the bullies and if the education and prevention activity has no effect, he informs the competent authority. There are «voluntary social activities and other activities suitable for developing feelings of respect for others in the minor and for nurturing healthy and positive relational dynamics between peers and non-violent forms of communication”.

