Bullfighter shame, by Joaquim Coll

That PP and PSOE have to resort to mediation of Europe to comply with the Constitution in the renewal of the CGPJ It is an example of what is popularly called a lack of “bullfighter shame.” Experts have counted some 120 expressions in Spanish that come from the world of bullfighting, and this is one of those that is still used, even by politicians who are declared anti-bullfighting. Bullfighting has had an enormous influence on Spanish language and social life, which proves that It is not a wild party of fun, as its detractors claim, whose animalistic arguments are understandable, but who are wrong in disdaining it as a cultural heritage that they would like to have in other countries. “Bullfighter shame” means the excellence of a person in the fulfillment of his obligationswhich is what the bullfighter does by throwing himself on the bull, even putting his life at risk.

In this sense, Nadia Calvino deserves to leave the Government like the best bullfighters, on his shoulders, through the front door, with a scarf, since he has exercised his responsibility as economic vice president with success and generosity. It’s fair to say. His participation in the implementation of the Next Generation funds, after the collapse of the covid, was key, and leaves a pro-European imprint that will give continuity at the head of the European Investment Bank, the financial arm of the EU. After the 2019 elections, Calviño’s presence dispelled doubts towards a socialist Executive in coalition with Podemos that had Pablo Iglesias as vice president for some years, and later He has played intelligently as a counterweight against Yolanda Díaz. Compared to other European countries, the Spanish economy has performed better in the last five years, both in growth and inflation control, but for 2024-2025 a slowdown, or even a recession, is expected, which will dangerously increase the deficit and debt. When the time comes for cuts, the bullfighting shame of the new minister, Carlos Bodywill be tested.
