Building production in motion thanks to Startbouwimpuls | News item

News item | 6/19/2023 | 14:06

To prevent construction from coming to a standstill due to the changed economic circumstances, Minister Hugo de Jonge for Housing and Spatial Planning has taken a number of measures. One of these is the Startbouwimpuls (Sbi), a subsidy for construction projects.

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Due to changed circumstances – increased interest rates, increased construction costs and increased population growth – it is becoming increasingly difficult to build new homes. We can only keep building production going if all parties go the extra mile. And through the use of additional measures. For example, Minister De Jonge has already taken a number of measures to ensure that construction does not come to a standstill, including the Startbouwimpuls. Projects that threaten to come to a standstill due to changed economic circumstances because they can no longer complete their business case can qualify for this Startbouwimpuls.

Inventory of construction projects

The housing deal regions and municipalities play an important role in identifying and collecting the projects that may be eligible for this subsidy. This inventory can provide insight into how many and what kind of projects are involved. In addition, the assessment criteria can be tightened up and it offers support in preparing the propositions. The appeal to all parties, including housing associations and market parties, is to announce the projects as soon as possible.

Preconditions (knockout criteria)

To be eligible for the Startbouwimpuls, projects must meet the following preconditions:
1. Start building homes in 2024/2025 at the latest.
2. Delivery of homes no later than 36 months after construction has started (2027/2028).
3. It concerns permanent housing.
4. Share of affordable housing is at least 50%.
5. The developer/housing corporation involved endorses the application.
6. Legal certainty about when construction will start, for example an irrevocable zoning plan

Assessment criteria (sieving and ranking)

The assessment criteria determine the screening and ranking of the applications. These relate to, among other things, the certainty of the start of construction in 2024/2025, demonstrating the need for the government contribution, what fellow governments, corporations and market parties have already contributed themselves, and affordable homes.

Webinars Startbouwimpuls

On Tuesday 20 June and Thursday 22 June, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations is organizing two webinars about the Startbouwimpuls. During these digital sessions, stakeholders (fellow governments, corporations and market parties) are informed about the reason and the objective of the Startbouwimpuls, the assessment framework for applications and the process to come up with an initial inventory of projects (via municipalities) in the coming months to final formal applications and assessment.

Participate in the webinars

You can participate in one of the two webinars about the Startbouwimpuls by logging in on the day of your preference via one of the links below:

Want to stay informed about the Startbouwimpuls? This can be done by sending an email to [email protected] with a request to be added to the mailing list. Questions can also be asked via [email protected].
