build the specifications for your PIM project

After having decided to embark on a Product Information Management (PIM) project, companies must face a new stage: the production of specifications. If this task may seem time-consuming, it is nevertheless at the heart of the proper implementation of this tool, which facilitates the management of the product repository and the media of an organization. In an e-bookQuable, PIM & DAM product information management solution for brands, gives you the essential keys and best practices for writing relevant specifications.


The specifications, a key element of the PIM project

The specifications make it possible to identify and formalize the need to which the PIM responds. It facilitates communication between stakeholders (marketing departments, e-commerce, communication, etc.) by setting common objectives. Concretely, this document is essential to determine the expected requirement criteria that the platform selected by the company must satisfy.

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The specifications are also a point of support for the suppliers questioned. Thanks to him, they will more easily understand the specificities of the company and its functioning. In this way, they will be better able to make relevant and personalized proposals.

To properly write your specifications, however, you should ask yourself certain questions beforehand. Why is it relevant to equip my organization with a PIM? Who will be concerned or impacted by its implementation? How? So many questions that will allow us to see more clearly about the project. In this ebook, Quable provides ready-to-use templates to facilitate this step.


Know the stages of the creation of the specifications

Once all the elements have been defined, comes the third step: writing the specifications. In his white paper, Quable provides you with many tips for writing, especially the form. There are no predefined rules: it is possible to provide it as a Word or PowerPoint document. In this ebook, you will discover an example of a layout that is based on both Word and Excel. You can base yourself on these visuals to write your summary, make your cover page and detail the features you expect from a PIM tool.

It is then necessary to define the content of its specifications. The objective is to select the important information that will provide an overview of the project. To help you in this task, Quable offers you to follow a standard structure on which to rely.

The first thing to write is the presentation of the company. Several elements must be included, including the context of the project, its challenges and objectives. It is also necessary to specify the stakeholders around the product data and the processes associated with them, to explain the global information system and the organization of the company. By obtaining this white paper, you will discover the other two parts to write in your specifications.

This ebook is a real point of support for designing a complete document that will allow you to learn more about the vision of your PIM project. To discover all Quable’s advice, don’t forget to download it !

