Budel receives 130 refugees, Eindhoven housing is delayed

130 asylum seekers were received in Budel on Thursday evening. They came from the application center in Ter Apel, which is overcrowded. Unlike the day before, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) was now able to arrange bus transport. The municipality of Roosendaal then provided a bus itself.

Ter Apel, where a maximum of 2000 asylum seekers can be accommodated, has been suffering from a large influx of asylum seekers and a limited outflow in recent months.

Overnight on chair
For this reason, it sometimes happens that refugees for whom there is no room left cannot go to another reception location, because there is no transport for them. In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, for example, eleven people had to sleep on a chair in the waiting room of the Immigration and Naturalization Service IND in Ter Apel.

After consultation on Thursday, three buses from commercial carriers arrived. The Transport and Support Service (DV&O), which arranges the transport of detainees from the Ministry of Justice and Security, for example, also made a bus available. They brought 130 people to Budel and 70 to Vledder in Drenthe.

Delay in Eindhoven
Meanwhile, the reception in Eindhoven of people who can no longer stay in Ter Apel has been delayed for weeks. A month ago, Mayor John Jorritsma said that from May 1, 96 refugees from the Groningen village would be housed.

However, adapting the units for temporary residence, which had been vacant for some time, is taking more time than expected. For example, kitchens had to be installed this week and there will be a separate room for washing machines and dryers, the Mayor and Aldermen announced on Thursday.

The COA is also still looking for ‘qualified people’, the Commission reports. Together with local reception organizations such as Neos and Springplank040, an attempt is made to get the necessary personnel ‘as quickly as possible’. At the beginning of next month, local residents and entrepreneurs will be updated. Agreements are then also made with them. A few days after Jorritsma’s announcement, companies still complained about the fact that, contrary to what the mayor claimed, they were not or barely informed.



Roosendaal picks up asylum seekers in Ter Apel: ‘We have enough buses’

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