BTS may also play concerts during their military service

In Germany, conscription has long been history, in South Korea it applies to men up to the age of 28. But also for the boy band BTS? This is currently being hotly debated. For the South Korean defense minister, one thing is certain: the group would not have to take a break from their careers and could also perform during military service.

On August 1st, the National Defense Committee was held in South Korea. Defense Minister Lee Jeong-seop, among others, spoke about the future of the BTS members. “I think BTS could go into military service and still get enough time to rehearse and perform overseas,” he said.

Military service is said to make BTS even more popular

The Department of Defense took a close look at the situation, taking into account the upholding of “fairness” and “justice.” He added, “A lot of people admire artists who join the military. So that could make her even more popular.”

Parliament is currently debating legislation that would change conscription for pop stars like BTS. The goal: an “alternative” form of service. What that means exactly is still unclear. In May, the Minister of Culture had demanded that an exception should apply to the boy band.

Jin in focus

In South Korea, all healthy men are conscripted for two years. After a change in the law in 2020, artists can defer the service until the age of 30. This affects BTS member Jin, who will celebrate his 30th birthday in December. It is not yet known whether and in what form he will join the military.
