BSI warns: Smart door lock from ABUS is a gateway for criminals

Wireless door lock “HomeTec Pro CFA3000” can be overcome easily

As the BSI reports on its website, digital door locks are being used more and more frequently today to protect rooms and entrance doors. The locking and unlocking of these locks works, among other things, by means of the transmission of radio signals. “Vulnerabilities in such wireless door locks not only compromise the main function of the products, but reverse them, since these security gaps can be specifically exploited by unauthorized persons,” explains BSI President Arne Schönbohm. According to the BSI, a wireless door lock with such a weak point is the “HomeTec Pro CFA3000” from the manufacturer ABUS. Attackers who are in the vicinity of the door lock can manipulate the locking and unlocking by exploiting a security gap and thus gain unauthorized access to buildings, offices or apartments. Because of this problem, the BSI advises against using the product and recommends replacing it. ABUS had already been informed of the security concerns by the BSI and even confirmed the existence of the vulnerability to the Federal Office.

The successor model from ABUS is intended to close security gaps

The manufacturer ABUS announced to the BSI that the defective product was a discontinued model. The company has been replacing the HomeTec Pro CFA3000 with a successor model since March 2021. This would no longer have the security gap complained about and “can be recognized, among other things, by an enclosed key card with a unique QR code in each case”. The product and packaging are also printed with a Bluetooth logo in the new version. According to the BSI, if consumers need help or an individual assessment of their own risk situation, they can contact the manufacturing company. “We expect that companies will not leave their customers alone with a problem of this magnitude and recommend examining the use of alternative products,” Schönbohm continues.

Nicolas Flohr / Editor

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