Brussels Airlines pays 290 million euros in state tax for the full year | economy

Luchtvaartmaatschappij Brussels Airlines zal de 290 miljoen euro steun the ze kreeg van de Belgische staat om de coronacrisis te kunnen overleven, tegen and dit jaar fully terugbetalen. That’s what Lufthansa, the Dutch moedergroup of Brussels Airlines, is supposed to do with the publicity of the annual results.

The statement is possibly “door een sterke stijging van de vraag, een good development van de liquidity en de financiële steun van Lufthansa”, het clicks in a personal report van de Duitse Luchtvaartgroep. Brussels Airlines booked in the first quarter a record win of 51 million euros. In 2023 there will also be four events in the vloot.

Lufthansa also says that the state tax for the Austrian Airlines campaign (210 million euros) is still valid. Daarmee zal Lufthansa all steun het van overheden kreeg tijdens de coronacrisis, terugbetaald hebben. In Germany and Zwitserland, debts to the state are cleared as a whole.

The full Lufthansa group has a total operational winst (adjusted ebit) of 1.1 million euros, and a net winst of 809 million euros. Last week, the winst forecast for 2022 was doubled, and it was stated that the expected winst (EBIT) was more than 1 million euros for the full year.

“The Lufthansa group has the financial burden of the pandemic and is optimistic about the situation,” states a personal report from the German group.
