Bruges welcomes works of art by Michelangelo, Jordaens and Boucher

Bruges welcomes works of art by Michelangelo, Jordaens and Boucher

As of today, the Jean van Caloen Foundation of the castle grounds in Loppem transfers the collection to the Print Room of Musea Brugge. The transfer is celebrated with a small-scale exhibition in the Groeninge Museum, after which the entire collection is given a place in the Print Room of Musea Brugge.

The drawings date from the late 16th to the 20th century. They were collected by Baron Jean van Caloen. “We are very honored to welcome this fantastic collection”, says Anne van Oosterwijk, collection director at Musea Brugge. “With this acquisition, a number of artists are entering the Print Room who were not yet present in our collection.” (read more below the photo)

These include the work ‘The Blessing Priest’ by Jacques Jordaens and a drawing of a young woman by the French master François Boucher. The highlight of the collection is Michelangelo Buonarotti’s ‘Stoning of Saint Stephen’. In this composition study, Michelangelo develops an idea for a painting or sculpture.

In addition to works by Italian and French masters, the Flemish, Dutch and Belgian schools are mainly represented. Experts from Museau Brugge will thoroughly examine the collection and will also make it digitally available to the public.
