Bruges wants to tackle problems in the entertainment district: ‘lack of respect for the police’

Bruges wants to tackle problems in the entertainment district: ‘lack of respect for the police’

Often they are quite drunk, throwing glasses on the street and having mock fights to challenge the police. Many people in the area and also hotel managers complain about the abuses. The city and the police are therefore taking measures.

“They drink a lot, there is a lot of glass on the roadway, but above all there is no respect for the police. They call them names and do not shy away from a police combination,” said mayor Dirk De fauw.

A ban on alcohol on the street is therefore being considered in the entertainment district and a consultation is planned with the catering operators. The city council next month will then approve new regulations.

In the latest police action, 180 young people were identified, half of whom are known to the police. Quite a few young people come from Ostend and Roeselare.
