Bruges police prepared for Club champions party

Bruges police prepared for Club champions party

The city and the police are doing everything they can to keep the party running smoothly.

Big screen

In the parking lot in front of the Jan Breydel they have prepared everything for a champions party. From 1 pm a DJ will warm up the supporters even more, and then they can follow the match in Antwerp on a big screen. If Club takes the title, the team bus will come to the stadium.

A lot of people are also expected on the Platse. If too many people crowd together, the police may close the Gistelsesteenweg for the safety of the revelers and to avoid traffic problems.

Next Sunday, Club will play its last game at home against Anderlecht.


“If Club Brugge wins against Antwerp FC on Sunday afternoon, the 18th national title can be celebrated,” the City of Bruges said in a statement.

“Although Club Brugge has taken an important sporting step with the two wins against Union Sint-Gillis, the title has not yet been won.

There are still several possible scenarios on the table and behind the scenes, the City of Bruges and the police are working out these different options in order to be able to respond quickly to any situation. In the meantime, it is known that on Sunday 15 May, the activities will be centralized as much as possible around the Jan Breydel Stadium, but a lot of people are also expected on the Platse.

As communicated, the match against Antwerp FC will be broadcast on a big screen from 1.30 pm on parking N(oord) 1 (Olympialaan side). Club Brugge will also provide a stage. Depending on the result of the game at the Bosuil, we will know either at 3.15 pm or at 8.15 pm whether Club Brugge will win the trophy. If they win in Antwerp, the champions will go to Bruges and a ceremony will take place on the N1 car park.

In that case, the players bus is expected at the stadium around 5.30 pm to 6 pm. If Club Brugge still becomes champion due to the result of the Anderlecht – Union match, the players’ bus will also leave for the Jan Breydel Stadium to arrive there around 9 p.m.,” says the City of Bruges.

“No Glasses”

“Both the city council and Club Brugge want everything to be safe. I therefore urge you not to use glasses or other hard drink containers on Sunday afternoons and evenings on the public road,” says Mayor Dirk De fauw.

“If Club Brugge manages to win the third consecutive league title, the official championship celebration will take place on Monday 23 May, after 5:00 PM.

As soon as Club Brugge is certain of winning the national title, further specifications about the champions celebration on Monday 23 May will be communicated in good time on the Market”, says the mayor.
