Bruges is also thinking about mergers with surrounding municipalities

Bruges is also thinking about mergers with surrounding municipalities

The mayor declined to make any concrete statements. He confirmed that it is being discussed.

The merger plans in Flanders are increasingly emerging, although it has remained fairly quiet in the province of West Flanders. Single Wingene and Ruiselede have already officially announced a merger.

“Conversations with other municipalities”

The mayor of Bruges remains cautious about this. “If you want something to fail, you just have to send the world out that you will enter into a merger with such and such a municipality. In that sense I will not make any concrete statements.”

The mayor admits that talks have already taken place. “We have a mayor’s meeting about the region with nine other municipalities, and the subject was discussed there. Although we are now looking at the possible formulas, the advantages and the disadvantages,” said De fauw in the city council.

“Only then can we finally come up with a proposal, which must of course be submitted to the city council. But we are certainly not that far yet.” The mayor indicated that smaller municipalities in particular are in favor of a merger with Bruges. †

The smaller municipalities in particular fear that they will eventually be obliged to merge. Nothing is necessary for Bruges, but there may be opportunities for the city. That needs to be investigated further.”
