Bruges heroes visit the king

Bruges heroes visit the king

Today it is not the ordinary Flemings who applaud when the king passes by, but the other way around. Ten heroes, including two people from Bruges, have been nominated for the Be Heroes project. They have been nominated because they do something exceptional for society. The king believes that this deserves recognition.

“Bruges accessible to everyone”

Lieve also met the king today: “It was very nice, especially because he listened and you got the chance to tell your story.” Lieve leads the Municipal Council for people with disabilities in Bruges. Bruges accessible to everyone: that is the goal.

“I became ill myself many years ago. I was an engineer by training, but then I experienced how difficult it is to get a job. Your capacity as a sick person is decreasing. Thanks to this voluntary work I have found my breath again and want to life.”

“He was startled”

Filip Vanden Berghe from Bruges, who regularly travels to Wallonia after the floods, tells his story: ​”I saw how the king was shocked when I told him that I know people who lost their lives after the floods. Apparently this was unknown to him. And I said: look, fourteen months after the disaster it is really time for us to structurally help those people again, it cannot drag on. He listened carefully, took my file with him and promised that he would go through it carefully. “
