Bruges has 453,000 visitors during the Easter holidays

Bruges has 453,000 visitors during the Easter holidays

The number of day tourists who came to visit Bruges is estimated at 342,000 people, about 4% more than the pre-corona year 2019. “45% of our day tourists come from our own country, while 55% came to our city from abroad”, it sounds. it to the Bruges city council. Striking: with about 50,000 day visitors, slightly fewer visitors from the dense region visited the city. As expected, the absolute peak days coincided with the Easter weekend. On the Saturday before Easter, more than 53,000 visitors were counted, on Easter itself there were almost 45,000.

Back to pre-corona level

Bruges had 103,000 overnight stays and 61,000 overnight tourists during this holiday. “The occupancy in the hotels was therefore very good. We are knocking at 83% for the entire period of the Easter holidays. 83% of the overnight stays were of foreign origin, which means we are completely back on the pre-corona pattern,” concludes the Bruges city council.
