Bruce Willis suffering from frontotemporal dementia |iO Woman

bRuce Willis suffer from frontotemporal dementia. A year after the announcement of his retirement from the scene due to aphasia, a language disorder with an impact on cognitive abilities, more updates are now arriving on his health conditions. To give them away social it’s his ex again, Demi Moore. Who posted a signed then on Instagram shared by all the women in the actor’s life: Rumer, Scout and Tallulah, the three daughters born from the love between the two actors, and then the second wife, Emma Heming, and the two daughters born from Bruce’s second marriage, Mabel and Evelyn.

Aphasia: what it is, the symptoms and treatments of the disease that Bruce Willis has

Bruce Willis, from aphasia to frontotemporal dementia

“Our beloved Bruce has had health problems and was recently diagnosed with aphasia,” Demi Moore wrote on social media last March. Precisely because of this disease, the star decided to leave the cinema. One year later, “Bruce’s condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD)» announced the family. Then sharing a statement in which the effects of the disease are explained.

The social ad

“Our family would like to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible display of love, support and wonderful gestures we have all received since sharing Bruce’s first diagnosis. In light of this, we want to update you on our beloved husband, father and friend as we now have a deeper understanding of what he is experiencing.” Thus began Demi Moore’s Instagram post on her ex-husband’s health conditions. Accompanying her words is an image of the Hollywood star on the beach. Then the news about his health conditions and the new diagnosis. «Sadly, challenges with communication are just one symptom of the illness Bruce faces. While this is painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis,” the family added.

A cruel disease: there is no cure

«FTD is a cruel disease that many of us have never heard of and it can affect anyone,” explains the family in a statement shared on social media and published on site of the AFTD (The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration). Specifying, then, that at the moment there is no cure. «For people under 60, FTD is the most common form of dementia and, because getting diagnosed can take years, FTD is probably far more prevalent than we know. Today there is no cure for the disease, a reality that we hope will change in the years to come. As Bruce’s condition progresses, we hope any media attention can be focused on shedding light on this disease which needs much more awareness and research.”

He has always found joy in life

Demi Moore and her daughters, Emma Heming and her little girls, have decided to make Bruce Willis’s conditions known for a very specific reason: to raise awareness of a still little-known disease and to get close to people who experience the same situation. «Bruce has always believed in using his voice out in the world to help others and to raise awareness of important issues both publicly and privately. We know in our hearts that – if he could today – he would like to answer bringing global attention and a connection to those dealing with this debilitating disease and how it affects so many people and their families,” the family statement reads. «Bruce has always found joy in life and has helped everyone he knows to do the same» added his wife, ex-wife and all the daughters. Thanking all those who responded to so much love in this difficult time: «We were so touched by the love that you all shared for our dear husband, father and friend during this difficult time. Your continued compassion, understanding and respect will allow us to help Bruce live the fullest life possible.”

