Bruce Springsteen superfan does have tickets | 1Limburg

Many tens of thousands made a mistake on Wednesday, but super fan Norbert Frijns from Maastricht does have tickets for Bruce Springsteen. Already a lot. But he wanted more and he finally succeeded.

“Yes I had in the presale I have indeed already been able to get tickets for Amsterdam and Landgraaf,” says Frijns. “And I also already have tickets for Olso, Dublin and Monza in Italy. But I would still like it for Munich and Düsseldorf.”

Springsteen fans
So Frijns was ready at 10:00 am on Wednesday morning. Behind two screens and a telephone, on which he was connected to a group of Springsteen fans who together try to stock up on as many cards as possible. “No, not to resell, but to help each other and to exchange or sell at cost. That is a group of fans throughout the Netherlands and a few abroad. We met each other at the concerts.”

Also read: Outage: Bruce Springsteen ticket sales postponed

Joined forces
But despite the combined forces, it is not possible to get tickets for Düsseldorf or Munich via the websites. “Several people were kicked out. There were still seats available, but that’s not what I’m doing it for. I really want to be at the front.”

Frijns you can have a die hard call fan. He has already attended 72 concerts of The Boss† “Yes, I’ve been a fan since I was sixteen. He sings about everything you experience in life: joy and sadness. All emotions. Furthermore, the music is just nice and I don’t know a better entertainer than Bruce.”

cover band
Frijns himself is a singer in the cover band Bruce Brothers. “I also met him once, in 2017 in Eindhoven. He was there for his daughter who is involved in equestrian sport. We then waited a few hours at his hotel. When he came down, he has about ten minutes to spare. taken. Sympathetic guy.”

At the end of the day, Frijns receives good news. Via via, there are still tickets for Düsseldorf available for Frijns. “Glad to see him a few times next year.”

Also read: Bruce Springsteen will perform in Landgraaf next year
