Brother Wesley Sneijder is annoyed by Shownieuws

Rodney Sneijder, the brother of Wesley Sneijder, is annoyed by the sensationalism of Shownieuws. He thinks that the program blows up the fight that Wesley witnessed very much.

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André Hazes Jr. and Wesley Sneijder witnessed a fight at the back entrance of the Chin Chin Club in Amsterdam a week and a half ago. Recordings were made and those images were leaked Monday through the Reality FBI juice channel. A day later, yesterday evening, Shownieuws included these images in the broadcast.

Show news tease viewer

Shownieuws thought it a good idea to save the images of the fight all the way to the end of the broadcast, so that people would stick around. Tension built up throughout the broadcast: did André and Wesley also misbehave? They conveniently let that question hang in the air.

Well no. Anyone who had seen the images on the internet for a long time already knew that André and Wesley only witnessed the uproar from close by. So not very exciting, but Shownieuws kept the viewer on the line for 45 minutes.

Criticism of Rodney

Bland, Rodney thinks. During the broadcast, he wrote in his Insta stories: “Show news: ‘Wesley and André involved in BIG brawl.’ Where do you see a fierce fight ?. You should be ashamed of yourselves seriously. For the people who haven’t seen the video yet and are now in front of the tube: keep watching, it’s very exciting! “

Rodney also continued to watch and could not believe his eyes: Shownieuws did not seem to understand who exactly Wesley was in the video. The editors had circled the man who was fighting. Rodney: “Do your homework a little better from now on Show news, this isn’t Wesley!”

Albert critical

The most striking thing about this story is that Albert Verlinde was so critical during the item about this video about other media that would blow up this story. “It is very annoying, because the news on some sites of: ‘Involved in a fight’, which automatically makes you think that they have a part in it.”

For the sake of convenience, Albert did not consider the fact that Shownieuws had done exactly the same for 45 minutes.
